

�� ���?

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Seinfeld�� �̾� �� ��° �����Դϴ�. �ϸ� �Ҽ��� �������� ������ �Ǵ±���. ǥ���� �׸� ����� ������ ����� ���п� ���� �����±���. �ƹ��ɷ� ���ظ�......

Big piles of manure



(VERY realistic looking FOX 11 Newsbreak/Special Report screen)
����11ä�ο� ��޼Ӻ���� �ڸ��� ���

ANNOUNCER: We interrupt this program for a breaking news bulletin.
�Ƴ��: ��޴����� ���� �� ���α׷��� �ߴ��մϴ�.

(Helicopter camera view of an old 70's blue sports car driving on a desert highway. Several police cars are in pursuit.  Caption on screen reads  KRXI - POLICE PURSUIT.)
������ 70��� Ǫ���� ������ī �Ѵ밡 �ܵ� ���浵�θ� �޸��� ����� ��� ī�޶� ��� �ִ�. ���� ���� ������������ �߰��ϰ� �ִ�. TV ȭ�鿡�� "KRXI-��������"�̶�� �ڸ��� ���ִ�

NEWS ANCHOR:   90 miles and counting-- that's how far officers of the Nevada highway patrol have pursued the blue car on your screen in a wild chase right through the heart of Elko at speeds approaching 100 miles an hour.
������Ŀ: 90����  ï¿½×¸ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ ��� �ö󰡴±���. �� ���ϼ��� ���� ȭ�鿡 ���õ� ���ڽó� �Ѻ����� ����� �����ϴ� Ǫ���� �ڵ����� �� 100���Ͽ� ����� �ӵ��� �ͷ��� �߰��� �׹ٴ� ���ӵ��� �����밡 �޸� �Ÿ��Դϴ�.

NEWS ANCHOR: Live on the scene in Carlin is Chuck Pickering in the Fox 11 news chopper.  Chuck, what can you tell us?
������Ŀ: ����� ����� ����11ȣ�� Ÿ�� ī���� ���忡 ���� �ִ� ô ��Ŀ���� �ҷ����ϴ�. ô���� �������� �ִ� ����?

CHOPPER REPORTER:(fuzzy radio voice)  Benjamin, we're heading west following route 766, where it feeds off the I-80.  Now, just under an hour ago, troopers attempted to pull over the blue car which we understand is stolen.  That occurred on the 80, east of Wells. Since then, this driver has stopped for nothing and nobody.
��� ����: (ĢĢ �Ÿ��� ������ ��Ҹ�) ���ڹ� ��Ŀ��. �츰 766�� ���θ� ���� �������� ���ϰ� �ִµ� I-80���� ������ ���Դϴ�. ��, �ѽð� ���� ���������� �������� �����Ǵ� Ǫ���� ���������� ������� �õ��߾�����. �űⰡ ���� ������ 80�� ���λ󿡼� �����ϴ�. ���ķ� � ��ֵ� ���� ������ ������ ���ϰ� �ֽ��ϴ�..  

NEWS ANCHOR:   Any word yet on who the driver is?
������Ŀ: �����ڰ� ���������� ���� ���� � ��Ⱑ ������?

CHOPPER REPORTER:    None at this time.  What we do think, though and what we've passed on to the Highway Patrol is that from our vantage point we've seen another person in that car.  See, right there.  A hand.  (Camera gets close enough to show a hand on the back seat which then pulls out of view.) It just moved.  See, in the back seat?  Now, we could possibly have a hostage situation here.   And, obviously, the sooner they bring this vehicle to a stop ��.
��� ����: ����μ� �����. �����뿡�� �� ����� �˷��־�����, �츮�� �� �ٷδ� � �ٸ� ����� ������������ Ÿ�� �ִٴ� ���Դϴ�. �� ������. ����ϴ�. ���� ������(ī�޶��� ������ �ڵ��� ���ڸ��� �ִ� ���� ũ�� �����ش�. ���� �� ī�޶� �þ߿��� �������.) ���������ϴ�. ������. �� �¼�����. ���� ����� ��ġ����� �� ��Ȳ�Դϴ�. �׸��� �и��� ���������� ���� �������...

( interior of blue car)
Ǫ���� ���� ������ �dz�

(PATRICK CRUMP, blue collar, about 40, is driving.  VICKY CRUMP, his wife, is lying in the back seat holding her head which is obviously in great pain.  Her nose is bleeding. He keeps looking back at her. High pitched sound is heard from her perspective.)
��Ʈ�� ũ����, ��ü�뵿��, ��40�� ����, �����ϰ� �ִ�. ��Ű ũ����. ���� �Ƴ�, �Ӹ��� �������� ü�� ���뽺���� �ϸ� �� �¼��� �����ִ�.�׳��� �ڿ����� �ǰ� �帥��. �״� ����ؼ� �ڿ� �ִ� �Ƴ��� �ٶ󺻴�, �׳��� �Ϳ� ���� ���� ���� �Ҹ��� �鸰��.

(PATROLMAN stretching a length of barbed chain across the road.)
����� ���θ� �������� ���ð� �޸� ü���� ��ġ�Ѵ�.

PATROLMAN: (into radio)  Unit six, ready at milepost 13.
���: (�������) 6ȣ���Ͷ�. ��������Ʈ 13�� �غ� �Ϸ�

���2:PATROLMAN 2: (voice on radio)  Coming your way, six.
(������Ҹ�)6ȣ �������� ���� �ִ�.

(Around bend of road we see the news helicopter then CRUMP's car followed by the patrol cars.  CRUMP drives over the chain blowing out all four tires.  The PATROLMAN quickly jerks the chain out of the way for the patrol cars which quickly converge on the slowing blue car.)
���� ������ ���ο� ����� ��Ⱑ ���̰� ũ������ ���� �������� �m��� �ִ�. ũ������ ���� ü�� ���� ��� �ٶ��� ���� �� �� ��ΰ� ���� ������. ������� �ӵ��� ������ �Ķ� ���������� �ڵ����� �������� ���� ���� ü���� ġ���.

CHOPPER REPORTER: Well, that did the trick. The automobile seems to be coming to a stop.
��� ����: �� ����� �����߱���. ���������� ���� ������ �ϴ� �Ͱ����ϴ�.

NEWS ANCHOR: Chuck, what did they just use there?
���� ��Ŀ: ô����, ������ �ű⼭ ������ �������?

(CRUMP has stopped and troopers are surrounding the car, rifles out.  They pull CRUMP out of the car onto the pavement.)
ũ������ ���� ���缭�� �������� �����ΰ� ������ ���� ������. �������� ũ������ ������ ����� ������ �÷����´�

CHOPPER REPORTER:It looked to be a special tire-puncturing chain. And now the officers are approaching the car.  One of them has opened the door, and he has hold of the suspect.  He's pulling him out.  He doesn't seem to have a weapon.
��� ����: Ư���ϰ� ������ Ÿ�̾� ��ũ ���� ü���� ��ó�� ���Դϴ�. ���� ������� ������ ���� �����ϰ� �ֽ��ϴ�. �Ѹ��� ������ ����,�����ڸ� ����ҽ��ϴ�. �����ڸ� ������ ����� �ִµ���, �����ڴ� ���⸦ ������ �ִ� �� ������ �ʽ��ϴ�.

NEWS ANCHOR:He may not be armed but from our vantage point, it looks like he doesn't want to get out of that car.
������Ŀ: ���⼭ ���⿡ �װ� ���⸦ �������� ���� ������ ���Դϴٸ� �� ������ �������� ���� �ʴ� �� ������.

(Troopers get VICKY CRUMP out of the car.  She is in great pain. CRUMP struggles and screams from where he is held on the pavement.)
�������� ũ���� ������ �� ������ �����. �׳�� ���뽺�� ǥ���̴�. ũ������ ���� ���� ������ ü�� ���θ�ġ�� ����� ������.

CRUMP:Vicky!  Vicky!
ũ����: ��Ű! ��Ű!

VICKY CRUMP:(weakly)  Please get it out of my head.
ũ���� ����: (������ �Ҹ���) ���� �̰� �� �� �Ӹ����� �����ּ���

CRUMP:Vicky!  Vicky!  No! Let me go! Let me go!  Vicky!  No! Let me go!
I got to go!  Vicky! No!
ũ����: ��Ű! ��Ű! �ȵ�! �� ���� ����! ��������! ��Ű! �ȵ�! ���� ����!

(Troopers place VICKY CRUMP in back of patrol car and close the door.)
������� ũ���� ������ ������ �� �¼��� �¿�� ���� �ݴ´�.

NEWS ANCHOR:...Hostage appears to be okay. The Highway Patrol has her now. But Chuck, it looks like that driver is still fighting.
������Ŀ:...������ �I���� �� ������. �׳డ ���� ���Ӽ������� ������ �Ѿ���ϴ�. �׷����� ô����, �����ڰ� ������ ������ �˰ſ� �����ϴ� �� ������.

CHOPPER REPORTER:Yes. He's definitely putting up a bit of a fight. He seems to be a man with a few choice words on the subject as you can see. They're trying to restrain him.  I tell you what.  We're going to move back and try to get a wider angle.  See, there's the woman ��. (VICKY CRUMP is banging her head against the window.) What the heck?  She's ��.
��� ����: �׷����ϴ�. �и��� �ణ�� ���ο��� ���̰� �ֱ���. ���ٽ��� �������� �������� ���� �ϰ� �־��. �������� �׸� ü���Ϸ��� �ϰ� �ֽ��ϴ�. �� , ���� �ڷ� ���� ��ü ������ �⵵�� �ϰڽ��ϴ�. ������. ���� ���ڰ� ������. (ũ���� ������ �� ����â�� �Ӹ��� �ڴ´�.) ���� ����ü ������ ����. �����ڴ�..

CRUMP:Vicky!  Vicky!
ũ����: ��Ű! ��Ű!

(VICKY CRUMP and CRUMP look at each other through the window.)
ũ������ ũ���� ������ ����â�� ���� ���� ó�� ����.

CHOPPER REPORTER: There, see? She's banging her head against the window.
��� ����: ����, ���Ҿ��? �� ���ڰ� �Ӹ��� â���� �ھҾ��.

(Chopper camera shows explosion of blood against the patrol car window.)
��� ī�޶� �ǰ� ���� �����ִ� �������� â���� �����ش�.

CHOPPER REPORTER: What the hell just happened?
��� ����: ��� ��ü ���� ���� �������?

������ ����: ĿƮ! ĿƮ! ĿƮ!



���̴ٿ��� ��

(SCULLY knocks at a farmhouse door.  FARMER, 40's, answers the door.)
���ø��� �� ���� �� ���� �ε帰��. 40���� ��ΰ� ���´�

���: ��?

SCULLY:  Uh, Virgil Nokes?  I'm Agent Scully.  This is Agent Mulder. We're with the FBI.
���ø�: ���� ���ũ������? �� ���ø��� �� ����� �ִ��Դϴ�. �츰 FBI�����Դϴ�.

(MULDER, in dark sunglasses, leans against one of the porch supports very bored and petulant, he swats at a bug that lands on his neck.)
���� ���۶󽺸� �� �ִ��� ������ ���� ���� ����տ� ����ִ�. ������ ������ �� ���� ���� ������ ������.

FARMER: Jehovah's Witness?
���: ��ȣ���� �����ΰ���?

SCULLY: No, sir. Federal Bureau of Investigation.
���ø�: �ƴ�. ���� ���籹�Դϴ�.

MULDER:But we do have a free copy of "The Watchtower" for you if you'd like.
�ִ�: �ٵ� �� ���ϽŴٸ� ��¥�� �帱 �� �ִ� "�ļ���" �� �� ������ ������ ����.

SCULLY: Uh, sir, this is just a routine check but, uh, we understand that you recently placed an order for 5,000 pounds of ammonium nitrate fertilizer.
���ø�: �ٵ�, ������. �̰� ���� ������� �����ε���. �ֱ� ���� �ϸ�Ͼ� ��Ḧ 5õ�Ŀ�� �����ϽŰɷ� �˰� �ִµ���.

FARMER: Oh, you people.  Come on in.
���: ��, ��ŵ��̱�, � ���Ϳ�.

(SCULLY and MULDER follow the FARMER into the house. TV is on news channel.)
���ø��� �ִ��� ��θ� ���� ���ȿ� ����. Ƽ�� �������ΰ� ���ִ�.

REPORTER:(on TV)  ...with the President.  She's said to have admitted to an 18-month affair...
����(Ƽ��): ...����ɰ� ������..�׳�� 18������ ��� ���� ������ �ɷ�....

FARMER: Sugar beets.
���: ����������.

SCULLY: Excuse me?
���ø�: ���� ����?

FARMER: I grow sugar beets.
���: �� ���������� �⸣��

REPORTER:(on TV)  ... authorities in Riverside County, California
����(Ƽ��) .. Ķ�����Ͼ� �������̵� ��������ȸ��..

FARMER: I figure I got better things to do with my fertilizer than going around blowing government buildings sky high.
���: �� ��Ḧ ������ ���ΰǹ��� �ϴ� ���� ������ ��(����) ���� �ͺ��� �� ������ �� �� �ִٰ� �����մϴ�.

SCULLY: Yeah. Well, as we said, sir this is just routine.
���ø�: �׷���. �Ʊ� ������ȵ��� �̰� ���� ������� �����..

MULDER: (quietly to SCULLY)  So routine, it numbs the mind.
�ִ�: (���ø����� ������) �ʹ� ������̶� ������ ����� ��������.

REPORTER: (on TV)  ...  Experts credit a healthy economy ��
������(Ƽ��) ...���������� ưư�� ������ ��������...

FARMER: (looking through papers on his desk)  I got my AG card and my papers 'round here somewhere.
���: (å�� �� �Ź��� ����) ���� AG ī���ϰ� ������ ���� ��� �ξ��µ�.

REPORTER: (on TV)  ... a strange death on a Nevada highway.
������(Ƽ��) ...�׹ٴ� ���ӵ��ο��� �ǹ��� ��������..

FARMER: Help me look for them, will you?
���: �� ���� ã�ƺ��Ƿ���?

(MULDER watches the scene on the TV.)
�ִ��� Ƽ���� ��������� ����

REPORTER:   (on TV)  ... As we reported earlier a wild police pursuit ended in tragedy this morning with the death of a 36-year-old female hostage.  This was the scene west of Elko, Nevada, one hour ago...
������(Ƽ��): ������ �帰 ���� ���þ�ħ �־��� ������ ������� �߰����� 36���� ���������� �����̶�� ������� ����� �������ϴ�. �� ����� �׹ٴ� ������ ������������ �ѽð� ����..

MULDER: Hey, Scully, take a look at this.
�ִ�: �̺�, ���ø�, ���� �� ��.

REPORTER:(on TV)  ... ...died mysteriously while in custody. We once again want to warn our viewers this footage is extremely graphic.
������(Ƽ��) ...��ȣ �� �ǹ��縦 ���߽��ϴ�. ���⼭ �ٽ��ѹ� �� ���Ǹ� �帮���� �� ����� �ſ� ������̶� ...

(SCULLY joins MULDER at the TV.)
���ø��� �ִ��� �Բ� Ƽ�� ����

CHOPPER REPORTER:(taped)  Now the hostage is still inside the car. It appears that she is banging her head against the window ��
��� ����:(��ȭ�� ��) ���� ������ ���� ���ȿ� �ֽ��ϴ�. �� ���ڰ� �ڽ��� �Ӹ��� �� ����â�� ���� ������ ���Դϴ�.

NEWS ANCHOR: (taped)  At this time, highway patrol officials are refusing to identify the woman or to speculate on how she died.  ï¿½ï¿½. Though they do stress it was not the result of a gunshot. ��.. Coroner's report is not expected for a day or more. Meanwhile residents of Northern Nevada who first witnessed��.
���� ��Ŀ(��ȭ�� ��) ���ݽð�����, ���ӵ��� ������ �������� �� ������ �ſ�Ȯ�� �� ������ο� ���� �����⸦ �ź��ϰ� �ֽ��ϴ�. �׷����� ������ �Ѱݿ� ���� ���� �ƴ϶�� ��Ȯ�� �����ϰ� �ֽ��ϴ�. �˽ð��� ����� �Ϸ� �̻� �ɸ� ������ ���Դϴ�. ���� �� ����� ó�� ����� �׹ٴ� �Ϻ����� �ֹε���...

(Later, outside the farmer's house, MULDER is on his cell phone next to the car.  Mid-conversation, SCULLY comes out of the house to join him.)
������, ����� �� ��, �ִ��� �ڵ��� ������ �ڵ����� �ɰ� �ִ�. ��ȭ�߰�, ���ø��� �� ������ ���� �ִ� ������ �ٰ��´�.

MULDER: (on phone)   Thank you, Captain.  That's no problem. We'd be happy to help.  Mm-hmm.
�ִ�: (��ȭ) �����մϴ�, �����. ���������ϴ�. ������ �帱 �� �־� ��޴ϴ�.����..

SCULLY: (knowing exactly what MULDER is doing) We'll be happy to help what?
���ø�: (�ִ��� ������ �ϴ��� ��Ȯ�� �˸鼭) ���� �����ְ� �Ǽ� ��ڴٴ� ����?

MULDER:(on phone)   See you soon.  (hangs up)
�ִ�:(��ȭ��) �� �˰ڽ��ϴ�. (��ȭ�� ���´�)

(They face off over the top of the car.)
���� �� ���� �ʸӷ� ��ġ�ϸ� ó�� ����

SCULLY: (definite)  Mulder, we're not going to Nevada.
���ø�: (��ȣ�ϰ�) �ִ�, �츰 �׹ٴٷ� ���� �ʾƿ�.

MULDER: Come on, Scully. Just one quick side trip.
�ִ�: �̺�. ���ø�, ���ϴ� �߰��� ��¦ ���� �ٳ���� �ž�.

SCULLY: No. Sorry, Mulder.  We have a whole new assignment.
���ø�: �ȵſ�. �ִ�. �츰 ������ ���ο� �ӹ��� �ִ� ���̿���.

MULDER: Running down people that buy fertilizer?  This is scut work, bozo work-- the FBI equivalent of being made to wear an orange jumpsuit and pick up trash by the side of the highway-- they mean to humiliate us.
�ִ�: ��Ḧ ������ ������� ã�ƴٴϴ� ��? �̷� ���� �����ϰ� �ٺ����� ���̶� ��. �������� ������ �԰� ���ӵ��� ������ �����⳪ �ݴ� ������籹�̶�.�츮�ڽ��� ��ġ������ ����� ������.

SCULLY: Look, Mulder, like it or not, humiliated or not, we're on domestic terrorism now and, yes, this is... This is a punishment but if we want to get back to where we want to be we have to follow orders.  We can't freelance.
���ø�: �̺��� �ִ�, �����ϵ� �Ⱦ��ϵ�, ��ġ������ �ƴϵ�, �츰 ���� ���� �׷�����Ʈ ��������� �ϴ°ſ���. �׷� ���ƿ�, ���� �츰 .. ¡��ް� �ִ� �ſ��� �׷��� �츮�� �ϰ� ���� ���� �ϱ� ���ؼ��� �츰 ���ɿ� ����� �ؿ�. �츮 ������� �� ���� ���� ���̿���.

MULDER: You saw that news report.  What did you make of that?
�ִ�: ��ŵ� �� ������ ���ݾ�. �� ����� ���� �� ����?

SCULLY: I think that the obvious assumption is that the woman was shot, regardless of what the police say.  Maybe it was a sniper.
���ø�: �� ������ �и��� ������ ������ ���� ���� �ϴ��� ���� �� ���ڰ� �ѻ��� ���ߴٴ� �ſ���, �Ƹ� ���ݼ��� �׷����� ������.

MULDER: In the words of their captain "she just sort of popped."  And what about this guy who supposedly tried to take her hostage, her husband? Looked to me like he was trying to warn the cops before she died. Now, the sun will rise in America tomorrow regardless of whether or not we're at yet another farm investigating yet another enormous pile of doo-doo. We can be in and out in a day.  Nobody has to know.
�ִ�: �������� ���δ� �� ������ �Ӹ��� �� ���� �� ���ٰ� �ϴ���. �� ���ڸ� ������ ������ �ߴ� �� ����, �� ������ �����̶���? �������⿣ �״� �׳డ �ױ� ���� �������� ����� �Ϸ��� �� ������ �����ǰ�.��¶�� �츮�� �ٸ� ������ �����ϰų� �ٸ� Ŀ�ٶ� �Ҷ� �����⸦ ���� �Ⱥ��� ���� ���� �̱����� �ش� �������� ���̾�.(������:���� ��?)�츰 �Ϸ� �� ���� �ߴ� ���ߴ� �� �� �ִٱ�. �ƹ��� �𸥴ٱ�.

(SCULLY wavers.  MULDER waggles his eyebrows at her.)
���ø��� ������ ���´�. �ִ��� �׳࿡�� ������ ���� ���δ�.



�׹ٴ��� ����

(Interior jail cell.  CRUMP is lying on cot.  He reaches up and realizes his nose is bleeding.  High pitched buzzing is heard.  He begins to panic.)
��ġ�Ҿ�. ũ������ ħ�� �����ִ�. �״� ������  ï¿½Ú¸ï¿½ ���� ���� ���ǰ� �帣�°� �˰� �ȴ�. ���� ���ļ��� �� �ϴ� �Ҹ��� �鸰��. �״� ������ ���� �����Ѵ�.

CRUMP: S-s-somebody!  Please! It's starting!  Somebody!
ũ����: ��...�� ! ����! ���۵ǰ� �־��. ���� ��!

(Later,  in another part of the police station, MULDER and SCULLY speak with a CAPTAIN.)
����, ���������� �ٸ� �κ�, �ִ��� ���ø��� ����� ����ϰ� �ִ�.

MULDER: Why can't we see him?
�ִ�: �� �츮�� �׸� ���� �� �� ������?

CAPTAIN: Well, hopefully later.  He pitched quite a bit in his cell-- screaming a bunch of nonsense that we were going to kill him the way we killed his wife.  You know, he's not a particularly stable individual.
����: �װ�.���߿��� �� �� �������?. �� ��� ���� �ȿ��� ���� ������. �츮�� �ڱ� ������ ���� ��ó�� �ڱ⵵ ���ϰŶ�� ���� ���� �ʴ� �Ҹ� �ϸ� �����ϰ� �־��. �˴ٽ��� �׷��� ������ �� ���°� �ƴϿ���.

SCULLY: Captain, he may need medical attention.
���ø�: �����. �Ƹ� �๰ġ�ᰡ �ʿ������� �����.

CAPTAIN: He's getting it.  Our doctor's with him now.  I mean, after whatever happened to his wife-- which I'd like to stress was not our fault-- we're not going to take any chances, you know?
����: �๰�� �԰� �־��. �ǻ簡 ���� �Բ� ����. ������ �� ��� �������� ���� ���� ���� ��, ���� �� �Ͽ� ���� �츮�� �ƹ��� �߸��� ���ٴ°� �ݵ�� �����ϰ� ������, �츰 ���� ���� �Ͼ�� �� �� ���� ������.���� ������ �ƽð�����?

SCULLY: (reading)  Patrick Garland Crump of Montello, Nevada.
���ø�: (������) �׹ٴ��� ���ڷ��� ��Ʈ�� ���˷��� ũ����.

MULDER: 40-year-old roofer.  No history of mental illness. No prior record.
�ִ�: ���� 40�� ���� ���� ���� ���̱�. ���ź����� ����.������ ����.

CAPTAIN: He's got one now. That Barracuda he jacked on the Utah state line? He yanked some teenager out of the window threw his wife in back and took off. Excuse me.(steps away)
����:���� �� �ϳ� ���屺. �� ���ڰ� ��Ÿ�� ��輱���� �ɾ� �ø� �������?(������: �� �Ҹ��� �ƽô� ���� �̸��� ��Ź�ؿ�) �״� � �����̸� â������ ����� ���� ������ �ڿ� ���� �¿���� ��������. ��񸸿�(�ָ� �ɾ� ������)

MULDER: What do you think?
�ִ�: ��� �����ؿ�?

SCULLY: I'm thinking while we're here I might take a look at Mr. Crump's wife.
���ø�: �츮�� ���� �ִ� ���� �����ߴµ�, ���� �ѹ� ũ������ ������ ���߰ھ��.

MULDER: I'm going to stay here and see if I can see Crump.
�ִ�: �� ���� �ӹ��鼭 ũ�������� �� �� ������ �˾ƺ����� �Ҳ�.

(SCULLY goes off in search of the morgue. MULDER crosses over to a wall map of the area.)
���ø��� ��ü��ġ�Ҹ� ã�� ����. �ִ��� ���� �ɸ� ���� ���� ������ ����.

MULDER: Captain, where's Montello?
�ִ�: �����, ���ڷΰ� �����?

CAPTAIN:Little town right here.
����: ���� �ִ� ���� ����������.

MULDER: So that's where it started.  That's Crump's home.  Then he headed east in this direction on the 5 about ten miles to the Utah border where he stole the car.
�ִ�: ���⼭ ����� ���۵Ʊ���. �ű⿡ ũ������ ���� ����. �״� ���� ���� �������� 5�� ���θ� Ÿ�� 10������ ���� ���� ��ģ ��Ÿ�� ���� ���߱���.

CAPTAIN:You got it.
����: �ٷ� �� �̴ϴ�.

MULDER:Yeah, but you caught up with him in Wells.  Where's that?
�ִ�: ��. �׷����� �״� ����� ������ �ɷȴµ�, �űⰡ �����?

CAPTAIN: That's here.
����: �ű� ����ϴ�.

MULDER:So that means that he started off in this direction.  Then all of a sudden, he turned around and he headed west... To Wells. Why?
�ִ�: �׷� �װ� ���ʹ������� ���� �����ߴٴ� ��䵥. �׷� �� ���ڱ� ������ ���� �������� ����..�����.����?

(CAPTAIN shrugs.  Mulder nods.)
������ ����� ������ ���̰�, �ִ��� ������ �����δ�.


(Later.  Autopsy bay.  CORONER and SCULLY enter dressed in scrubs, but no eye protection.  Body of VICKY CRUMP lies on one of the tables.)
����. �˽ô�. �˽ð��� ���ø��� �������� �԰� ����. �׷��� �� ��ȣ�Ȱ��� ���� �ʾҴ�. ũ���� ������ �ý��� ���� ���̺� �� �ϳ��� �����ִ�.

CORONER:The former Vicky Jenkins Crump.  I'm hoping you can tell me what I'm looking at 'cause this is a new one on me.
�˽ð�: ���� �̸� ��Ű ��Ų�� ũ����. �̰� ���� ó�� ���� ���̶� �̰��� �������� ���� ������ �� �־����� �մϴ�.

(SCULLY looks at the head which is blown out on one side.)
���ø��� ������ ���� ���� �Ӹ����� �ٶ󺻴�.

SCULLY:There's no gunpowder residue... No carbon stippling. There seems to be no evidence of an entry wound whatsoever.
���ø�: ȭ�� �ܷ��� ����, ź�� ��Ż�� ����(����:���� ��?), �ƹ��� ���� �ۿ��� ������ ���� ��ó��� ���Ŵ� ���� �� ���׿�.

CORONER:There is none. It's all exit, but how that could be...?
�˽ð�: �����. ��� ������ ���ϴ� ��ó��.�װ� ��� ��������?..

SCULLY:I'm finding what look like fragments of petrous bone embedded in the remaining portion of the auditory canal.  In fact, I seem to be looking straight through to the osseous labyrinth or what's left of it.
���ø�: �� ������ ���� �κп� �����ִ� �ϼ����� �������� ���̴� ������ ã�Ҿ��. ��ǻ� ���� ���� �̷���� ����(Ү�) �Ǵ� �װ��� ���� ���� �ٷ� ���� �ִ� �� ���ƿ�.

CORONER:It's almost like a little bomb went off in her ear.
�˽ð�: ��ġ  ï¿½ï¿½ ������ �ͼӿ��� ���� ��ź�� ���� �� ������.

���ø�: �� �����ص� �dz���?

�˽ð�: ��. �׷��� �ϼ���.

(SCULLY begins probing inside the ear.)
���ø��� �ͼ��� �����Ѵ�.

SCULLY:There seems to be some kind of tumefaction within the lateral sinus.
���ø�: ���� ����(����)�ȿ� � ���Ⱑ �ִ� �� ��������.

(Suddenly, an explosion of blood bursts out of the ear onto SCULLY's scrubs. The two women look at each other apprehensively.)
���ڱ� �ý��� �ͼӿ��� �ǰ� ���� �ڱ��� �ö� ���ø��� �������� ���´�. ���ø��� �˽ð��� ���� �������� ����� ó�� ����.

2������ �̾���(7�� 25�� ������ �ø������Դϴ�)

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