

�� ���?

���� ���

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���� ǥ��

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[������ ����⸦ Ż�� ���� ��]

I must take this flight. Can't you arrange a seat for me?
�� ����⸦ �� Ÿ�� �ؿ�. �¼� �� �������� �� ������?

Please find me a seat. If I have to wait for the next flight, I won't be able to get to Hong Kong in time.
�¼� �� ã���ּ���. ��������⸦ ��ٷ��� �Ѵٸ� �� ȫ����� �ð��� ������ �� ���� �ǿ�.

[�װ����� �ذ�/�н� ���� ��]

I'm afraid I left my ticket at the hotel where I stayed. What can I do?
�����ǥ�� �ӹ��� ȣ�ڿ� �ΰ� �Ծ��. ��� �ؾ� ������?

[����⸦ ������ ��]

I missed Flight 701 to Hong Kong. Are there any other flights available today?
ȫ�ᰡ�� 710���� ���ƾ��. ���� �ٸ� ����� ���� �ֳ���?

I missed my connecting flight to Nairobi. Are there any other flights which get me there by tomorrow noon?
���̷κ� ���� ������ ����⸦ ���ƾ��. ���� �������� �ű� ������ �� �ִ� �ٸ� ����� ���� �ֳ���?

[����� ����]

If this flight is delayed, I will miss my connecting flight to London.
���� ����Ⱑ �����Ǹ� �� �������� �������� ��ĥ�ſ���.

In that case, I have to stay overnight in Cairo. Are you going to arrange accommodations for me?
�׷��ٸ� ī�̷ο��� �Ϸ����� �����߰ڱ���. ���� ���� ���ڽü��� ������ �ֽðھ��?

I have to be in Sydney by 10 o'clock tomorrow. Are there any other flights which get there by that time?
���� 10�ñ��� �õ�Ͽ� �����ؾ� �ؿ�. �� �ð� ������ �ű⿡ ���� �ִ� �ٸ� ��������� �ֳ���?


Excuse me, Miss. I'm bothered by the noise of the children sitting just behind me. Could I change seats?
(���� �¹�������)�̾������� �ٷ� �� �ڿ� �ɾ� �ִ� ���̵��� ����� �Ҹ��� �����ŵ�, �ڸ��� �ٲ��ֽðھ��.

I'm afraid I'm getting sick. Do you have any medicine for airsickness?
���� �� ������. �ֹ̾� �� �ֽ��ϱ�?

I asked one of the stewardesses for a blanket, but I'm afraid she has forgotten.
�ٸ� ��Ʃ��𽺿��� ��� �� ���� ��Ź�ߴµ�, �Ƹ� �Ҿ� ���� ����̿���.

[äŷ�� ���� ������ ���� ��]

I can't find my checked baggage.
äŷ�� ���� ã�� �� �����.

I checked in two suitcases at Heathrow, but one of them hasn't come out.
����� ���׿��� ���� �� ���� äŷ�ߴµ�, �ϳ��� ������ �ʾҾ��.

Could you check if it's on the next flight?
(��)�� ���� ����⿡ ����� �Ƿȴ��� Ȯ�� �� ���ֽðھ��?

If I lose the material in that suitcase, I'll be in trouble. Could you check again where the mistake occurred?
���� ���� �ȿ� �ִ� ���ǵ��� ã�� �� ���ٸ� �� ����մϴ�. ��� ������ ������� �� �ٽ� Ȯ���� �ֽðھ��?

[������ ���� �پ��� ��]

Why do I have to pay a duty. I don't understand.
�� ������ �������. �� ������ �� ������.

These are just personal belongings, amd none of them are for commercial use.
�̰͵��� �������� ���ǵ��Դϴ�. � �͵� �ȷ��� �ϴ°� �ƴմϴ�.

I've been using this jewelry for years. None of them are commercial samples.
�� ������ ���� ���Ⱓ ����ϴ� �̴ϴ�. ����� ������ �ƴϿ���.

[���� ���࿡ ������ ���� ��]

I'm sure I made a reservation through ABC Travel Agency.
ABC����縦 ���� �и��� ������ �ߴµ���.

I called you from San Francisco on Friday to reserve a single room.
�ݿ��� �������ý��ڿ��� �̱۷��� ������ ��ȭ�� �߾��µ���.

If you don't have a room, could you refer me to some other hotel?
���� ���� ���ٸ� �ٸ� ȣ�� �� �˾ƺ� �ֽðھ��?

[���� �ٲٰ� ���� ��]

We don't like this room. We asked for a room with a view of the ocean.
�� ���� �Ⱦ��. �츰 �ٴٰ� ���̴� ���� �޶�� �߾��µ���.

This is not exactly what we wanted. We reserved a room with a bath.
�츮�� ���ϴ� �Ͱ��� �ٸ�����. �츮�� ������ �ִ� ���� �����߾��.

We wanted a suite because we are a party of four.
�츰 ������ 4���̱� ������ ����Ʈ���� ���ߴµ���.

This room is too small. Do you have a larger room?
���� �ʹ� �۾ƿ�. �� ū�� �־��?

[�� �ü��� ����]

I was expecting a room with a TV. but it doesn't have one.
�濡 TV�� �ִ� �� �˾Ҿ��ŵ��. �ٵ� ���׿�.

The TV in our room doesn't work.
�濡 �ִ� TV�� ������ �ʾƿ�.

I kept the shower running for a while, but I still didn't get any hot water.
������ �ѵ��� Ʋ����� ����� ������ �ʳ׿�.

The toilet is plugged up.
���Ⱑ �������

Our toilet doesn't flush.
���⹰�� ������ �ʾƿ�.

The water in the toilet tank keeps running and it won't stop.
���� ����ũ�� ���� ��� �����׿�.

We don't have enough towels
������ �����ؿ�

[�뼭�� �Ҹ�]

I ordered two coffees half an hour ago, but they haven't come yet. Could you rush the order?
30������ Ŀ�� �� ���� ���״µ�, ���� ������ �ʾҾ��. �� ���ѷ� �ֽðھ��?

I sent my dress out to be cleaned, but it hasn't come back yet. I was told it would be ready in 24 hours. When can I have them back?
��Ź�Ϸ��� ���� ���´µ�, �������� ���� �ʾҾ��. �Ϸ�� �ȴٰ� �ߴµ�, ���� ���� �� ������?

[�� ������ �������� ��]

The jewelry case I put on the bed in gone.
ħ�� ���� ���Ƶξ��� ���� ���̽��� ���������.

I can't find the watch I left in the bathroom.
ȭ��ǿ� �� �ð踦 ã�� �� �����.

It looks like a burglar broke into my room while I was gone.
���� ���� ���̿� ������ ���� �� ���ƿ�.

When I got back, I found one of my suitcases missing.
���ƿ��� �� ���� �ϳ��� �������� �˾Ҿ��.

[�� ���� ���� ��]

The people in the next room are making so much noise, I can't sleep. Could you please ask them to be more quiet?
���� ������� �ʹ� ���� ���� �� �� �����. �� ������ �� �޶�� ���ּ���.

The TV in the next room is too loud.
���濡�� �ѳ��� TV �Ҹ��� �ʹ� ũ ����.

A child is crying in the next room and it's very annoying. Can you do something about it?
���濡�� �� ���̰� ��µ� �Ű� ���̴±���.  ��� �� �� �ּ���.

Could you change my room?
���� �ٲ��ּ���

[���� ��� ü ������ ������ ��]

I locked myself out.
���踦 �ȿ� �ΰ� ���Ծ��.

I am locked out. Could I have a spare key?
���踦 �ȿ� �ΰ� ���Դ� �� ���� �����. ��� ���� �� �ֽðھ��.

[�ڵ��Ǹű� ����]

The vending machine on the fifth floor is out of order.
5���� �ִ� ���DZⰡ �����Դϴ�.

It takes money, but nothing comes out.
���� �԰� �ƹ� �͵� ������ �ʾƿ�.

I got a Cola, but I did't get change.
�ݶ�� ���Դµ�, �Ž������� ������ �ʴ±���.

[û������ �߸��Ǿ��� ��]

I don't think this bill is correct.
�� û������ �߸��� �� ��������.

I didn't call for room service, but it's on the bill.
�� �뼭�񽺸� ���� ���� ���µ�, ����� û���Ƴ׿�.

What is this charge for?
�̰� ���� ������ û���� ����?

[���� �ڵ��ǸűⰡ  ������ ��]

I put in $1.50, but I din't get a ticket.
1�� 50��Ʈ�� �־��µ�, ǥ�� �ʳ� ���µ���.

The ticket came out all right, but I didn't get any change.
ǥ�� �̻���� ���Դµ�, �Ž��� ���� ������ �ʾƿ�.

I seem to have gotten(got) the wrong ticket. Could you exchange it?
ǥ�� �߸� �� �� ������, �ٲ��ֽðھ��?

I put a coin in instead of a token by mistake.
��ū��� �ܵ��� �߸� �־����.

[������ �߸� ſ�� ��]

Excuse me! Could you stop? I got on the wrong bus.
��������! ���� ���� �� �־��? ������ �߸� �����.

I seem to be on the wrong bus. Could you let me off at the next stop, please?
������ �߸� ź �� ������, ���� �����忡�� ���� �ֽðھ��?

Excuse me, I'm totally lost. Which bus goes to the Museum of Fine Art?
�Ƿ��մϴ�. ���� ������ �Ҿ� ���Ⱦ��. �����ڹ��� ���� ������ ��� ����?

[�������� ������ ��]

I missed my stop.
���� �������� ���ƾ��.

I should have gotten off at Memorial park. but I forgot.
�޸𸮾� ��ũ���� ���Ⱦ�� �ߴµ�, �Ҿ� ���Ⱦ��.

Where do I have to change to go to the Botanical garden?
�Ĺ� ������ ������ ��� ����Ÿ�� ����?

[�θ� �ýð� ���� ���� ��]

I asked for a taxi at 10 o'clock to go to the airport, but it isn't here yet.
���װ����� 10�ÿ� �ýø� �ҷ��µ�, ���� ���� �ʾҾ��.


Could you hurry, please? My plane leaves at 12:30
���� �� �ֽǷ���? ����Ⱑ 12:30�� �����ŵ��.

It's taking a long time., isn't it? Do you think I can get to the Hilton Hotel by one o'clock?
�ð��� �ʹ� ���� �ɸ��±���, �׷�����? ��ưȣ�ڿ� 1�ñ��� ������ �� �������?

This looks like the wrong road. Are you sure it goes to the airport?
���� ���� �ƴ� �� ��������. �� ���� ���� ���� ���� Ȯ���ؿ�?

You should have made a right turn at the corner back there, but you passed it.
���� ���� �ִ� �ڳʿ��� ��ȸ���߾�� �߾��, �ٵ� �����Ʊ���.

You've brought me to the wrong hotel. I said the Victoria Hotel.
�ٸ� ȣ�ڷ� ������ �ּ̾��. �� ���丮�� ȣ���̶�� ���ߴµ���,

I said I wanted to go to the international departure lobby, but this is the wing for domestic flights.
�� ������ �ⱹ�κ�� ���� �޶�� �ߴµ�, ����� ������ û��׿�.

When I take a taxi from downtown to the airport, the fare is usually around $20. Why is it higher today?
�ó��� ���ױ��� �ýø� Ÿ�� ����� ���� $20�ε���. ������ �� �̷��� ���� ��������?

A hotel clerk said the fare to the botanical garden would be somewhere around $10. Why is it higher this time?
ȣ�� ������ ���ϱ� �Ĺ��������� ���� �ýú� $10���� ���´ٰ� �ߴµ�, �̹����� �� �� ���� ������?

I feel I am being overcharged.
�ٰ��� �� ������ ��ϴ�.

I know the meter reads $20.50 Why is there a difference?
���ͱ� ����� $20.50�ε�, �� ���̰� ����?


There's someone sitting in the seat I reserved.
���� ������ �ڸ��� ���� �ɾ� �־��.

Isn't this pass valid for unlimited travel on all lines?
�� ǥ�� ��� �뼱���� ������ ���Ѿ��� ���� �� �ƴմϱ�?

[�ڵ��� ���࿡��]

We seem to have lost our way. Could you tell us how to get to Williamsburg?
���� ���� �� ��������. �����������ױ��� ��� ������ ���� �� ���ֽðھ��.

All the motels are full. is there any place near here where we can stay?
��� ���ڹ��� á���. �̱�ó ��� �ӹ� ���� ���� �ֳ���?

I had a car accident at 7th and Church Street.
7������ óġ��Ʈ��Ʈ ���������� �ڵ�������� ���߽��ϴ�.

I had a collision in front of St. John's Church. Could you send an ambulance and police car?
����Ʈ ���� ��ȸ �տ��� �浹����� �����ϴ�. �������� ���� �� �� �����ּ���.

This car hit mine from behind
�� ���� �ڿ��� �� ���� �ھҾ��.

This car crossed the centreline and hit my car.
�� ���� �߾Ӽ��� �Ѿ� �� ���� �ھҾ��.

Fill it up with unleaded, please.
�𷡵�(���� �ֹ߷�)���� ����.

I have a flat tyre.
Ÿ�̾ ������ �����.

My engine stalled at the corner of 15th Street and Sycamore Avenue. Could you send a repair truck?
15������ ��ij��� �ֺ� ���̿��� �ڵ��� ������ ������. ���������� �����ּ���.

I'm afraid my battery is dead.
���͸��� �� �������.

[2������ �̾���] 

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