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[1] Will �� Going to�� ����-�ǵ��� ����

������ �� ������ ǥ���� �� will�� going to�� �Ѵ� ���Դϴ�.
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Tony�� ������ ������ �ٶ��� ������ ��������� ����Ѵ�.

Tony: My bicycle has a flat tyre. Can you repair it for me?

Father: OK, but not now. I'll repair it tomorrow.

�Ŀ� Tony�� ��Ӵϰ� �������� ����ϴ�.

Mother: Can you repair Tony's bicycle? It has a flat tyre.

Father: Yes, I know. He told me. I'm goint to repair it tomorrow.

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"�ڵ����� �����Ϸ� �Ѵ�"�� ���� ǥ����

(1) I'll wash the car.
I'm going to wash the car.

�� �ΰ��� ǥ���� ���� ������ (1)�� ���ϴ� ���������� ������, �ݸ� (2)�� ǥ���� �̹� ���� ������ �ϱ�� �����ϰ� �� �� �̷� �ൿ�� ǥ���� �� ���ԵǴ� ���Դϴ�.

[2] Will �� Going to�� ����-����

�������� ������ ǥ���� ���� will�� going to�� ���Դϴ�. �׷��� going to�� �׷��� ������ �ϰ� �� �ٰŰ� ���� �� ����, will�� �ܼ��� ������ �ǹ��մϴ�.

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There isn't a cloud in the sky. It's going to be a lovely day.
I feel terrible. I think
I'm going to be sick.
Oh, dear, it's already 4 o'clock.
We're going to be late.

I'll be eighteen next Friday.
One day people
will travel to Mars.
will probably arrive at about 8 o'clock.
I think Tom
will like the present you bought for him.

"�츮�� ��⿡�� �̱� ���̴�."��� ����ǥ����

(1) We're going to win the match
(2) We'll win the match.

��� ǥ���� �� ������ (1)�� ǥ������ "�츮 ���� ���� ��⸦ ���ϰ� �ִ�"�� ��Ȳ�ٰŰ� ���� �� ������ ǥ���� �ݸ� (2)�� �ܼ��� ���ϰ� �ִ� ����� "�츮�� ����� ��"�̶�� �ν��ϰ� ������ ��Ÿ�� �ݴϴ�.

��� Update �˴ϴ�

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