4���� ���ΰ� (�·κ���)
Cosmo Kramer, Elaine Bennice, George Costanza, Jerry Seinfeld
���� �������� ���η� ���� ��Ʈ���Դϴ�. �� ������ ������ ����������
��ġ�ִ� ���� ����� �ʿ��ϴ� ���������� ���� �ڸ��� �б� �Դϳ�.
������ �ϸ鼭 ������ �κп� ���� ���� ��å�� �ٶ��, Ʋ�ȴ����
�Ʒ����� �Ѱ��ֽñ�... ^^;;
The Chinese
Woman (����: �߱�����)
[JERRY and ELAINE walking
down the street. ELAINE is carrying two plastic grocery bags and
one big paper grocery bag. JERRY is carrying none and is pretending
to not notice the discrepancy.] ������ ������ �Ÿ��� �Բ�
���� �ִ�. ������ 2���� ��� �ķ�ǰ������ 1���� Ŀ�ٶ� �ķ�ǰ
���� ������ ��� ����. ������ ������� ���鼭�� �� ô �ܸ��Ѵ�
JERRY Good shave
today.. ���� �鵵�� �ߵƾ�..
ELAINE [wry/sarcastic]
Don't worry, Jerry, I can manage these bags; really I'm fine.
[�鼭] ������ ����, �� ȥ�ڼ��� �� �������� ���� ���� �ִٰ�.
�� ���� �I����
JERRY I'm thinkin'
of lettin' my sideburns grow in a little.. ���� ���� ������
���� �⸦�� ���� ������
ELAINE Can we rest
here a second. ���⼭ ��� ����?
JERRY [pause] Yeah,
I guess. [�ӹ��Ÿ���]��.���� ��
[She sits on the stairs
of a small entryway.]
JERRY .. So how's
Noreen? ��, �븰�� ��� ������?
ELAINE Mm! She's
got a new boyfriend: Paul. ��. �� ����ģ���� ������.���̶��.
JERRY Already? That
was fast.. I assume he's not a High Talker.. ����. ��������
������. �� ����ģ���� ��Ҹ� ���� ���� ����� �ƴϰ���.
ELAINE No, but,
he has, The Worst Habit. Whenever he answers the phone, he won't
put Noreen right on. Ya haveta go through, like, ten minutes of
chit-chat. ��. ������ �״� ���� ���� ������ ������ ����. ��ȭ��
���� ������ �븰���� �ٷ� �ٲ� �ַ����� �ʾ�. �ڱ��ϰ� �� 10�� �̾߱��ؾ�
�� ��.
JERRY A Long Talker.
�������� ��
ELAINE Yeah! But
he is so boring! But now, whenever he answers the phone: I just
hang up. �¾�.�״� ��¥ ������.���� ������ �װ� ��ȭ ������
�׳� �ٷ� ���������.
JERRY [pause] All
right; let's move it out. [����ִ�] �� ���� ���� ������
[ELAINE gets her bags.]
[������ �ڱ� ������ ���� ���]
JERRY Hey, isn't
that George's father? ,�� �� ��� ���� �ƹ��� �Ƴ�?
ELAINE Oh, yeah,
it is! Should we say hello? ��! �¾�. �λ縦 �ؾ� �ұ�?
JERRY I've never
seen him in Manhattan before; it's weird. So out of context.
���� ����ư���� ������ �����µ�..�̻��ϱ�.�յڰ� ���� �ʾ�
ELAINE That man
he's with: is he wearing a cape? �Բ� �ִ� �� ����, ���並 ��
���� �ʾ�?
JERRY I believe
he is wearing a cape. �� ����..
ELAINE Why is Mr.
Costanza with a man in a cape? �� �ڽ�ź�ھ��� ���並 ���� �����
�Բ� ����?
JERRY Well, it is
good cape weather. Cool. Breezy. �۽�, ������ �����̶� �ΰ�
.�ÿ��ϰ� �ٶ��� �ּ� �Ұ�.
ELAINE Yeah, why
a cape? Who wears a cape? Where do you even get a cape? ��.
�ٵ� �� ���� ������? �������並 �� �ٴѴٰ�. ���� ���並 ���
���� �� ����?
JERRY You're right;
it is strange. In fact, let's cross to the other side of the street.
Cover me. �¾�. �̻��ϱ�. ��� ��.�ٸ� �� ��� �dz� ����.
�� �� ������.
[ELAINE positions the
bags to cover her face and upper body. JERRY walks by her so he's
out of view, too.] ������ ������ �� ��ü�� ���߰�, ������
���� ���� ��¦ �پ� ���� ���߰� �ȴ´�
[Commercial Break]
�߰� ���� [JERRY and ELAINE arrive at JERRY's "house."]
������ ������ ���� ���� �����Ѵ�
JERRY Just, ah,
plop it on the counter there. ���� ���̽�Ź�� ���� ��.
[ELAINE drops one bag
deliberately and throws the others on the counter. He hadn't helped
her at all on the way--payback time. Then, during the following,
she spends a lot of time looking for food in the bags and puts some
in one bag--presumably hers.] ������ ���� �ϳ��� ������ ����
���� , �������� ��Ź�� �������´�. ������ ���� ���� �� ������ ����
������� �ʾҴ�.-- ������ �ð�--�̾� ������ ������ �ӿ� �ִ� �ķ�ǰ��
õõ�� ã�ƺ��� ���� �ڱ� ��ó�� �ķ�ǰ �� ���� �����ϳ��� ��´�.
JERRY Oh! I got
a message. [presses button on phone machine] ������ ���ֳ�[��ȭ����
��ư�� ������]
GEORGE [on tape]
Hey, it's George. I got nothin' to say.. [beeeep] [��ȭ����]
�ȳ�. �������ε� �� ���� ����...[��..]
ELAINE That sounds
Urgent.. ��, ���� ���� �� ������..
JERRY Let me call
him back.. Hello?? Who is this? Donna Chang? Oh, I'm sorry,
I must o' dialed the wrong number. ��ȭ�� ���߰ڱ�. ��������.
��������? ���� ���̶� ����? ��, �̾��մϴ�. ��ȣ�� �߸� ���� ��
ELAINE Donna Chang?
���� ���̶��?
JERRY [is rivalling]
Should've talked to her; I love Chinese women. [�ٽ� ��ȭ ��ȣ��
������] ���̳� �ɾ�þ�� �ߴµ�..�� �߱����ڸ� �����ϰŵ�.
ELAINE Isn't that
a little racist? �ణ ���� �������� �߾� �Ƴ�?
JERRY If I like
their race, how can that be racist?.. Hellooo??.. �� ������
�����Ѵٴ°� ���� ���������̳�? ��������...
Oh, is this Donna Chang
again?!.. Yyy-yes, I am calling George.. Oh, the lines
are crossed; you're getting his calls. Well, what do you know?!
��, �� ���� ���̶� ����? ��..��, ���������� �ϴ� ��ȭ�ε���. �̷�
ȥ���̱���. ��ȭ�� ������� ����. ��, ������ ����?
[KRAMER comes in. He's
got a bottle of water. JERRY stays on the line to chat with Donna.]
ũ���Ӱ� ���´�. ���̵� ���� ���� �ִ�. ������ ������ ����ϱ�
���� ��ȭ�� ���� �ʰ� �ִ�.
JERRY So listen..
��, ����
KRAMER I'm goin'
through this stuff like water.. [to JERRY] Who you talkin' to?
�� �� ���� ��ó�� ����� �� �ִٰ�.[��������]���� �����ϱ� ��ȭ���̾�?
ELAINE He's on with
a Chinese woman. �߱����� �ϱ���
KRAMER Oooo, ooooo.
You know, I dig Asian women. [a little distracted, pulling down
his underwear in back, through his pants] ��..��..�˰� �־�?
�� �ƽþ� ���ڸ� ������. [�ణ ��û�� ��, �������� ������ ��Ƽ��
�Ʒ��� ������]
ELAINE You got a..
comfort problem there? �� ������ �� �־�?
KRAMER Yeah, I think
these Jockeys shrunk. �� �ﰢ ��Ƽ�� �پ����� ��.
ELAINE I thought
you wore silk underwear. ��� ��Ƽ�� �Ծ��� �� �˾Ҵµ�
KRAMER No. Well,
you know, I wore 'em for about a month but I couldn't stay with
it. Yeah, I need the secure packaging of Jockeys. [he's serious.
Then he makes a hand gesture of grabbing up.] My boys need a house.
�ƴ�. ��. �˴ٽ��� �Ѵް� ��� ��Ƽ�� �Ծ��µ� ������ �״�� ����
���� �������.�� ���� ���� �ﰢ ��Ƽ�� ����� �־�� ��[������
ǥ��. ���� ���� ������ ���� ��� �ô��� �Ѵ�] �̰͵��� ����
�־�� �Ѵٰ�.
ELAINE [not charmed..]
That's nice. Listen, Kramer, you know, if you ever want to
have kids you shouldn't wear briefs. Boxers are much better for
your sperm count. [����ġ �ʾ��ϸ�] �װ� �ٻ��ϱ�. �ߵ� ���
ũ���̸�,���� �װ� ���� ���̸� ���Ѵٸ� �ﰢ��Ƽ�� ������. �簢
��Ƽ�� �Ծ�� ���ڰ� ���� �ʾ�.
KRAMER Sperm count?
Well how many ssssperm should I have? ���ڼ��� ���� �ʴ´ٰ�.
�� ��ŭ�� ���ڰ� �־�� �ϴµ�?
�� ����
[JERRY comes back. He'd
wandered into the bedroom and is now off the phone.] ������
�ٽ� ���´�. ħ���� ����Ÿ��� ��ȭ�� ���´�.
JERRY I got a date!
����Ʈ ����� �߾�
ELAINE With the
Chinese woman?! �� �߱������ϰ�?
JERRY She knew who
I was! She saw me in a club one time! My first date ever with the
Pacific Rim. I'm very excited. ���� �������� �˴����. �ѹ�
���� Ŭ������ ���ҵ�. ȯ������ ������ �����ϰ��� ó���� ����Ʈ��.
KRAMER Jerry. Did
ya ever have your sperm count checked? ����. �� ���ڼ��� üũ��
������ �ִ�
JERRY No, why should
I? I wear boxers. �ƴ�. �� ���� ����? �� �簢 ��Ƽ�� �Ծ�
KRAMER You ever
get a woman pregnant? �� ���� �ӽŽ�Ų �� �־�?
JERRY I'm sorry,
Kramer. Those records are permanently sealed.. �̾� ũ����.
�� ����� ������ �Ա��ؾ�...
KRAMER What would
you say if I told you, "I never impregnated a woman"?
���� ���� �ʿ��� ���� ���ڸ� �ӽŽ�Ų ���� ���� ���ٰ� ���Ѵٸ�?
JERRY Really? You
never slipped one past the goalie in all these years??.. Boy, I'm
surprised. You've slept with a lot of women, I-- ��¥? ����
���Ⱓ ���� �� ���� ���� ���� ������? �� ��� �� �� ���� �����ϰ�
���� ���ݾ�. ����..
KRAMER A lot of
'em! [wild gesture, freaked out] Do you think maybe I'm.. Depleted??!!
��ô ����[ũ�� ������ �ϸ�, ����Ѵ�.] �ʴ� ���� �Ƹ�..���� �����ٰ�...
JERRY Well, I'm
sure you're not.. Totally Depleted. �� �������� �Ƹ��� ������
���� �����ٰ� ���������� ����.
KRAMER Well, but
what if I am? I'm the last male Kramer! We're facing extinction!
��. �ٵ� ���� ���ٸ� ��¼��. ���� ũ���̸� ������ ������ �Ƶ���
���ݾ�. �츮 ������ ������ �����ϴ� �Ŷ��.
JERRY Well, go to
a fertility clinic. Have your sperm count checked. ��. ����
ũ���п� ���� ���ڼ� �˻縦 �� ��.
KRAMER Yeah, but
then I'd have to.. well, you know.. into a cup? In the middle of
the day?? ��. �ٵ� ���� �Ѵٸ�, ����..�� ���ݾ�..�� �ӿ�..?
�װ͵� �볷��..
ELAINE Does that
conflict with your regular schedule? ��? ���� �ϴ� �ð��� Ʋ����
[KRAMER, distracted,
leaves.] [ũ����. ��¿ �� �� ������]
ELAINE [going to
the phone, she's been eating chips from small package of them] All
right. I'm gonna try Noreen again. [���� ���ڿ��� ��� ����Ĩ��
���� ������ ��ȭ��� ����] ����. �븰���� �ٽ� ��ȭ �غ�����.
JERRY I am very
excited about this date! We're goin' to Hunan Balcony! �̹�
����Ʈ�� �������� ����� ��. �ij� ���ڴ� �Ĵ翡 ���ٰ�!
ELAINE She's Chinese
so you suggest Chinese food? �� ���ڰ� �߱����̶� �߱��Ĵ翡
���ڰ� ����?
JERRY She suggested
it! �� ���ڰ� ���ڰ� �߾�!
ELAINE I thought
Chinese don't eat Chinese.. �� �߱����� �߱��������� �ܽ�����
�ʴ°ɷ� �����ߴµ�..
JERRY She's very
assimilated. �׳�� ��ȭ�� �ߵŴ� ��������.
[ELAINE's on the phone--we
hear a male, "Hello?" on the other end. ELAINE quickly
hangs up.] [������ ��ȭ�� �ϰ� �ִ�. ��� ��ȭ��� "��������"���
���� ��Ҹ��� �鸰��. ������ �� ��ȭ�⸦ �������´�]
JERRY Paul again?
�� ���� ��?
ELAINE You can't
get one ring past him. �״� ��ȭ���� �� �� �︮� ���� ��.
[GEORGE comes in.]
[���� ����]
GEORGE Hey, hey,
hey! You don't call me back?! �̺�, �̺� ! ���ѵ� ��ȭ ������.
JERRY I tried! Your
line's crossed with a Chinese woman! �ߴٰ�, �ٵ� �� �߱� ���ڶ�
ȥ���� ���� GEORGE Uh? ��?
ELAINE [coming toward
GEORGE to sit over by JERRY, who's on the arm of the couch. GEORGE
is standing.] Hey, George, we saw your father on the street
before. [���Ŀ� �ɾ� �ִ� ���� ������ ������ ������ ������ �ٰ�����.
�������� ���ִ�] ������, ���� �ó����� ���� �ƹ����� �ôµ�.
GEORGE What's he
doin' in the city today? ���� �ó����� ��¾ �Ϸ� ��������?
[They both shrug.]
[�Ѵ� ����� ���� �Ѵ�]
GEORGE You didn't
ask him? �� �����̳İ� �츮 �ƹ������� ���� �ʾҾ�?
[They both shake heads
no. ELAINE's eating chips.] [������ �¿�� ������ ���ߴٰ� �Ѵ�.
������ ����Ĩ�� �� �ִ�]
GEORGE You didn't
say hello? �ƴ�ü�� ���ߴ� ������?
ELAINE Well, he
was with someone. A man.. In a cape. � ����ϰ� ���� ��ô����.
���並 ���� � �����ϰ�..
GEORGE Why was he
wearing a cape?.. �� �װ� ���並 �� ������?
[ELAINE and JERRY shrug.]
[���ΰ� ������ ����� �����Ÿ���}
GEORGE Was my father
wearing a cape? �츮 �ƹ����� ���並 �� �־���?
JERRY No. Jacket
and tie: no cape. �ƴ�.�纹�� ��Ÿ�������̼���.����� ���� �����̾�
GEORGE Huh.. Cape..
[turns, slowly goes to door] W--a man with a cape doin' with my
father?..What was my father doing with a man in a cape? ..[opens
door] Why a cape? [out the door and gone] ��. �����..[�� ������
õõ�� ����] ���並 ���� ���ڰ� �츮 �ƹ����ϰ� ������ ������?..�츮
�ƹ����� ���並 ���� �����ϰ� ������ ������?[���� ����]�� ���並
�Ծ���?[������ �������]
[Fertility clinic. In
an examination room. KRAMER's waiting. The DOCTOR comes in.]
[����Ŭ����. �˻��. ũ���Ӵ� ��ٸ���. �ǻ簡 ���´�]
DOCTOR The results
of your sperm test are in. Well, ummm.. Are you planning to
start a family? ���� �˻� ����� ���Ծ��. ��, ���̸� ���� ��ȹ�ΰ���?
KRAMER Yes! I would
like to! Very much!.. Well, I'm low, now, aren't I? I ca--I
can feel it!... ��! ���� �;��. �����ؿ�!. �ٵ�, ���� ���ڼ���
�ʹ� ���� �ʳ���. �� �� �� ���� ������ ����.
afraid you're a little low. ��. �̾��մϴٸ� ���� ��ġ�� ������
KRAMER Ohhh. Man!!
It's over! The Kramer name is finished! I'm never goin' to procreate!
I-- ��...�̷�! ������!. ũ���� ���ȵ� ���� �����̾�! �븦 �մ�
���� �����̶� ���̾�. ����--
DOCTOR Hey--that's
not necessarily true. There are measures you can take to improve
your fertility. �̺���-- �� �� ���� �ƴϿ���. ���ڼ��� �ø�
�� �ִ� ����� ���� ���� �־��.
KRAMER All right,
all right. What. What. You tell me; I'll do anything. Come on, Doc,
tell me. ��, ��, ���� ����, ��� ���� ����. �������. ������
�� �Ҳ���, �ڻ�� �� ����� ���� �� ���̿���.
DOCTOR First thing:
you should wear boxer shorts. ���� �� ���� �簢 ��Ƽ�� �Դ°�
���ٴ� �̴ϴ�.
KRAMER All the time?
DOCTOR All the time.
Ya have to get off Jockeys right away. ��, ��������.�����̶�
���� �ﰢ��Ƽ�� ���� ������ �մϴ�.
KRAMER Yeah, but
I've always worn Jockeys. ��. ������ �� �� �ﰢ��Ƽ ���� �Ծ��µ���.
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